Hi, I’m Jonathan Steward if you couldn’t tell from the website! 

This space is a general dump of information that comes into my mind or weird observations from projects or interesting discoveries that I might make along the path. Over time I want to move this more to specific content focused on given topics but for now, I still need to grow my knowledge before I can speak like an expert!


Recent Posts:

  • BGP Master notes for study and interview prep
    Below is a of a master doc of all my BGP notes, previously I was keeping this hidden away in a google doc but I […]
  • OSPF Master notes for study and interview prep
    Below is a bit of a master doc personally of all my OSPF notes, previously I was keeping this hidden away in a google doc […]
  • My eve-ng journey!
    One distant evning a year or so ago I discovered the wonderful software called Eve-ng, I was curious and wanting to get more into home […]
  • How to monitor an interface for utilization
    So this is a big thing. As you might know from reading my blog on my FYP progress: https://jonathansteward.co.uk/index.php/blog-post/fyp-progress-27th-feb/ that I’m using SNMP instead of NetFlow […]
  • Juniper interface not showing in ospf
    So Today I was trying to run ospf and have a lan connected interface in the ospf topology so the route for the lan could be included […]
  • VMX with EVE-NG
    Hi all, Today i’ve been trying to setup a bit of a basic lab for jncip-sp exam prep and I was having a few issues  […]
  • VMX startup commands
    Just a dump of certain commands to remember to configure for starting up a VMX Some Chassis/system base settings Start by setting the license, you […]
  • Traceroute and MTR not working in Virtual machines (Waiting for reply / no reply) and NAT explanation
    So today I hit a bit of a weird situation while playing with an embedded version of Ubuntu running on windows… Usually, when I get […]
  • Free Junos Juniper Labs
    Yes, you read the title correct, free online virtualized Junos labs are available at the time of writing. More information can be found here https://jlabs.juniper.net/vlabs/portal/index.page Some […]