So Today I was trying to run ospf and have a lan connected interface in the ospf topology so the route for the lan could be included within the network.
For some reason, it wasn’t working GRRR but all the configuration was there. It turns out if you have an ip address with a mask of /32 assigned to the interface it won’t be assigned into the ospf process
One easy way to detect this is by doing show interface {interface}. under the unit interface and under the address section you will only see a local address, you should see a destination, local and broadcast on a normal lan link.
Once I had removed the /32 address and replaced with the expected /24 address everything was working as expected this works as in effect the interface is only a part of the /32 network so OSPF doesn’t like this if its meant to be a lan network.
Obviously important note that this is on a simple network with no policies or ribs or any other complications and a straightforward broadcast ethernet interface.
The reason why I’m logging this is because I couldn’t find anything online about it!